Philosophy & Mission
As a registered dietitian and lactation consultant, I am passionate about health, wellness, and supporting mothers in their nutrition and breastfeeding journey. Nutrition is an integral part of our life, not only for nourishment, but for social and emotional well being and should be enjoyed; not feared or categorized. Entering into motherhood is a perfect time to focus on healthy habits, dietary changes, and finding the right support. I help walk clients through nourishing their body and achieving optimal health; focusing on an individualized approach and sustainable goals. Every session is designed to leave you feeling more confident, supported, and focused on positive change!
Common Client Questions
Should I be eating for two?
You announce your pregnancy and almost immediately you will start hearing, “Well, looks like your going to be eating for two now”. So is that really the case? I have worked with hundreds of pregnant women who have been either too strict with intake or others that felt becoming pregnancy meant all food and amounts were fair game. Sometimes when we hear something enough times, we believe it to be true. However, with this statement, it could cause more harm. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy could lead to health complications not only for mama, but to baby as well, especially depending upon what foods are eaten. Typically we don’t go wild with excessive calories from fruits and vegetables. What is important is not necessarily the extra calorie need right away, but the increased need for certain nutrients like folate, iodine, choline, vitamin A, vitamin B12, and more. Weight gain can be a sensitive topic for some women, a sense of anxiety; a fear of your body changing is a valid one. I like to remind mama that she is growing a human, creating a new organ (placenta), breast tissue is changing, fluid increases, and some maternal fat accumulation is normal. Weight gain during pregnancy does not always follow a linear path, and looks different for every woman. There are a set of guidelines when it comes to weight during pregnancy, but again, every women is different, so therefore, no one size fits all. However, having some set numbers is helpful as a reference. Keep in mind, weight is only one of many factors that contribute to a healthy pregnancy.
I am so nauseous, is there anything I can do to help decrease my symptoms?
Morning sickness, or really “all-day sickness”, can be so miserable for the expecting mama. It is common for most women to experience nausea, or even vomiting during the first trimester (some women endure this their whole pregnancy!). It is hard to think of how you can best nourish yourself, when all you can think about is not throwing up. Luckily, there are some suggestions that can help subside these symptoms, however, I like to make known, there is no cure for nausea during pregnancy. With that said, here are some ways to help minimize your discomforts and help you to still get the nutrients both you and your baby need! Keeping a small snack at your bedside. Before getting out of bed, take a small bite, and then move slowly when getting up. Try smaller more frequent meals; often too large of a meal can be a trigger. It is common to gravitate toward more carbohydrate foods during this time, and typically the type reached for are refined - crackers, pretzels, bagels, etc. If able, opt for nutrient dense, less processed carbohydrates, and pair with a protein or fat. This will help minimize blood sugar spikes, another culprit for nausea. Slow down when eating, and be mindful. Try cooler foods versus hot foods. Typically, there will be less odors to set off your nausea. Supplementing with ginger, vitamin B6, and/magnesium could help. If losing a lot of fluids, make sure to replenish, but again, drink slowly vs gulping. Think about and identify, what triggers your symptoms? For me, it was any type of unpleasant odor, and somedays, just breathing (it was bad!). I just kept telling myself, this is (should be) short term, and having a healthy pre-pregnancy diet, I knew I built up my nutrient stores that my baby was still being nourished. Hang in there, mama - it gets easier.
Should I be taking an omega-3 supplement during pregnancy?
Maybe! Omega-3’s are essential fatty acids, meaning, they are types of fats or lipids that we cannot make alone, we need to consume these fatty acids directly from food! There is an increased need for omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA during pregnancy; they are essential components in brain and retina development of the fetus, reduces the risk of preterm birth, allergies and asthma in children, and improves cognitive outcomes. It continues to be important to your baby’s brain development until at least 2 years of age. Not only important for baby, but also for mama, as it can decrease the risk of maternal depression. It is possible to meet your DHA needs from diet alone if you consume 2-3 servings of cold water, fatty fish each week, such as salmon, herring, sardines, trout, or mussels. Not only would consuming fish each week provide essential fatty acids, but also nutrients like vitamin D (which many pregnant women are deficient in), iodine, zinc, and selenium. If you do not eat the listed food sources regularly then taking a DHA supplement would be something to consider! A high quality fish oil, cod liver oil, krill oil, or algae oil can provide you with DHA.
How important is nutrition postpartum?
The mentality of society today is that mama should “bounce back”, and often times with that, nutritional needs are not met. This could be due to many factors such as returning to work soon after birth, not having enough support at home or the ability to prepare foods, or perhaps unable to drive while recovering from delivery. In traditional cultures it is quite the opposite, the focus is on helping mama rest, recover, and heal from childbirth with additional support for the first couple of months. Now, I am not sure who put the pressure on women to get back to “normal” or if it is just our perception that we need to, regardless, it adds a layer of stress to the already tired mama. Most don’t know that nutrient requirements are actually higher during early postpartum than they were during pregnancy and it is very common to accidentally under eat during this phase. Have you every heard women talk about leaving the hospital in their pre pregnancy jeans - I certainly did, and to be quite transparent, this was 100% a goal of mine. Now, being able to reflect on my own journey, I can see I did not go about my postpartum health in the best manner, and I am committed to helping other mamas receive the best support they can, to feel their best, and to replenish their nutrients stores, heal, and recover. Working together we discuss foods to enhance postpartum recovery and also nutrients that affect the concentration in breastmilk, including B vitamins, vitamins A, D, K, choline, fatty acids, and certain trace minerals.
When will my milk come in?
I often get the question, “Will my breastmilk come in right away after birth”? I wish this was a simple black and white answer, but the truth of the matter is, it’s variable. Here is a little background - with the removal of the placenta, progesterone levels drop, allowing prolactin (our major milk making hormone) to start working. Milk production starts to ramp up within 30-40 hours, and an increase in milk volume is often noticed between the 2nd and 4th day. This is often referred to as your milk “coming in”. I prefer to refer to is as, your milk transitioning in, because really your milk has been in, it is just coming to volume! There are many factors that could affect the rate at which your milk comes to volume, including labor medications, if mom has any health conditions, maternal age, cesarean birth, and others. I bring this topic up because it is very likely you WILL be able to breastfeed and your milk will transition in, even if it takes a bit longer. The early days are tiring for any new mom, and breastfeeding can add a layer of uncertainty - this is the time when many moms question if they are meeting their baby’s needs. Breastfeeding education prior to delivery is so important to be informed on what to expect. I advise all my new moms to seek out lactation support while in the hospital, and feel comfortable before going home. Booking a prenatal breastfeeding session with me covers this topic plus much more. Start feeling confident and comfortable with what to expect, book a free call with me today!
What is colostrum?
Colostrum is the first milk produced during your first trimester, usually around 16 weeks. It is thick, yellow, and often referred to as liquid gold. Even women, who do not plan to breastfeed, will offer colostrum to their baby after delivery due to the health benefits that it provides. It is produced during the first few days following birth and composed of immune factors, antibodies, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It aids as a protective factor for your baby, providing immunity to surrounding germs by coating the intestinal wall, so they cannot be absorbed. It also kills harmful microorganisms and provides protection from inflammation, and offers a laxative effect for baby - clearing meconium (baby’s first poops) which helps to prevent jaundice. Many moms worry that their colostrum won’t be enough to satisfy baby, and therefore they feel baby’s nutritional needs are not being met. It is important to remember that baby’s tummy is so tiny, and the amount that mom is producing is perfect for baby. Stomach capacity is about 5ml (a teaspoon)! Colostrum is also the perfect first food to help baby practice how to suck, swallow, and breath all at the same time. It takes practice to breastfeed, not only for mom, but for baby too! Benefits of colostrum: Helps strengthen baby’s immune system Promotes a healthy gut, and keeps harmful bacteria from being absorbed Is the perfect first food for baby; nutrient dense Offers a laxative effect to clear meconium Easy to digest Helps prevent low blood sugar in full term babies Beginning your breastfeeding journey can feel overwhelming at times! Having the right support and tools can make all the difference. Reach out and book your free discovery call today!
What can I do to get breastfeeding off to a good start?
There is no right way to breastfeed; how you get there is up to you! However, here are some simple tips to get yourself off to a good start! Breastfeed early and often. When baby begins to feed, you begin making milk. During the first few weeks of breastfeeding is when you will establish your milk supply. Breastfeed 8-12 times per day. Nursing often assures your baby’s needs are being met, and this helps to bring in your milk supply. Watch the baby and not the clock. Too often mamas follow a strict 2 hour timeframe. Well, baby’s don’t always work like that. It is OK, and normal, for baby to nurse more often, or extend to 3 hours. If there is ever any concern, reach out to your clinic or lactation specialist. Be aware of hunger cues. These include sucking on their fist, turning their head, making mouthing movements, or smacking their lips. Crying is a late sign of hunger, and can sometimes make it harder for baby to latch when they are distressed. Catching baby early is helpful for an effective latch and feed! Let the baby take the lead; allow baby to nurse as long as they wish on each breast. You do not have to stop the feed on one breast after a certain amount of time - they may miss out on some of the fattier milk (I like to talk about this in more depth during sessions!). Try to limit artificial nipples, bottles, pacifiers for the first few weeks, until baby has established a good latch. There are so many other topics that help mamas get off to a good start like skin-to-skin, positioning, weight and output expectations, and more! I personally breastfed my babies for 14 months each. Both were different experiences, ups and downs, times of exhaustion but also bliss. I’d love to work with you on your breastfeeding journey, to help you reach your goals!